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Microblade Master Class
Everything you need to succeed in your microblading career!
Suggested Lesson Plan
Mod 1: Intro to Microblading
Mod 2: Intake and Assessment
Mod 3: Finding the Golden Ratio of Facial Symmetry (17:41)
Mod 4: Microblade Pattern Design (8:22)
Mod 5: Color Theory
Mod 6: Skin Physiology
Mod 7: Advanced Eyebrow Design
Mod 8: Trending Brows (0:57)
Mod 9: Microblading Supplies Checklist
Mod 10: Microblading Procedure Start to Finish
Mod 11: Numbing
Mod 12: Microblading Touchup
Mod 13: After Care
Mod 14: Microblading Legalities
Mod 15: Sanitation
Mod 16: Photographing Your Clients
Mod 17: Record Keeping
Mod 18: Data Analysis
Mod 19: Brick and Mortar Business
Mod 20: Social Media Marketing
Mod 21: Advanced Marketing
Congratulations!!! 🎉
Mod 12: Microblading Touchup
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